By 김태오목사 / 새라킴사모 - 다음세대 가치관 정립 & 보호단체 공동대표 10.5.2024
캘리포니아 로스앤젤레스 카운티 주 발의안들 및 후보자
Los Angeles County, CA - Statewide Propositions Recommendations
Proposition | Description | Vote |
Proposition 2 | Wasteful and bloated bond giveaway to failing schools | Vote No |
Proposition 3 | Marriage constitutional amendment opening the door to discrimination | Vote No (캘리 헌법에, 전통결혼을 지지한 유 일하게 남아있는Prop8을 뒤집는것임) |
Proposition 4 | Another massive bond for special interests climate programs | Vote No |
Proposition 5 | Weakening of local control and Proposition 13 tax protection | Vote No |
Proposition 6 | Repeals constitutional provision allowing involuntary servitude for prisoners. | Vote No |
Proposition 32 | Raises minimum wage eliminating jobs, speeding up automation, and raising prices on things you buy | Vote No |
Proposition 33 | Expands local governments’ authority to enact rent control on residential property | Vote No |
Proposition 34 | Forces AIDS Healthcare Foundation to spend tax money on real needs | Vote No |
Proposition 35 | Locks in all the failure and wasteful medical spending | Vote No |
Proposition 36 | Allows felony charges and increases sentences for certain drug and theft crimes to reduce crime | Vote Yes (천불미만을 훔쳐도 풀려나는 catch & release의 Prop.47 을 수정하게함) |
** Prop 34 은 Yes 와 No 로 갈려서 더 깊이 살펴본결과 저희단체는 NO 를 추천합니다. 우선, Title & Summary 가 misleading 하며, Prop 33 와 연결된것이니 확실치 않은분들은 꼭 아래링크에서 자세한 내용 읽으세요.
아래는 후보자 (candidates)들이
1. 기독교 단체들의 설문조사들에 응한 내용과
2. 후보자들의 지난 정책 전력(track of records on candidate's past policy)을 기반으로 만들어진 scorecard를 별(*)표로 표시함.
별표(*) 숫자의 의미:
별 5개(*****): 성경적 가치관(biblical values)에 가장 가까운 정책의 후보자,
별 1개(*): 반기독교적 정책(anti-biblical values)을 가장 지지하는 후보자
별이 많을수록 “성경적 원리원칙” 을 지지하거나, 이미 그런 정책들을
펼쳤었던 과거 전력을 가진 후보자들임.
별이 적을수록 “반기독교적 정책들을 펼친 과거 전력이 있거나, 지지하는 후보자들임.
(예: LGBTQAI++, 트랜스젠더, 포르노수준의 성교육, 혼돈스런 젠더, 살인적인 낙태, 막시즘 사회공산주의 지지, 신앙의 자유나 시민들 자유언론 제한 및 억압등등)
아래에, (endorsed) 라고 빨간색으로 하이라이트된 후보자들이 기독교단체들의 여러 설문조사들에 응하고 다른 후보자에 비해 성경적 가치관에 더 가까운 정책 전력들을 이미 가지고 있는것이 검증된 후보자들이라는 의미입니다.
Endorsed 가 적혀있지 않으면, 그 후보자는 말로만 기독교인이거나, 또는 기독교
가치관을 정책으로 실천한 적이 없거나 반기독교적으로 펼친 전력이어서 별표로만 표시해놓았습니다.
***** The best candidate. Our strongest endorsement 최고
**** Very good 매우 좋음
*** Acceptable 오케.
** Vote only to prevent worse candidate(s) from winning
더 악한 후보자를 막기위한 선택
* Terrible. Do Not Vote for these candidates. 뽑지 말아야 할 최악의 후보자임.
그래서 간혹 No Recommendation 이라고 적은것들도 있음.
따로 Copy & Paste 를 하지 마시고 저희링크를 공유하시기 바랍니다. 다른 주요내용들이 더 포스트된후에 연결이 되기에, 같이 볼수있도록 하기 위합입니다.
President & Vice President, General Election, November 5
Donald Trump, JD Vance- Republican **** (Endorsed)
Kamala Harris, Democrat*
Chase Oliver, Libertarian***
Robert F. Kennedy, Independent ***
Jill Stein, Independent *
Cornel West, Independent*
Los Angeles County,Judge of the Superior Court
Office No. 39,
Steve Napolitano *** (Endorsed)
George A. Turner Jr. *
Office No. 48,
Renee Rose **
Ericka J. Wiley *
Office No. 97
La Shae Henderson *
Sharon Ransom *
Office No. 135,
Georgia Huerta **
Steven Yee Mac *
Office No. 137,
Tracey M. Blount **
Luz E. Herrera *
Diana Ruth James **** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, US House of Representatives
District 23
Jay Obernolte, Republican **** (Endorsed)
Derek Marshall, Democrat *
District 26
Michael Koslow, Republican **** (Endorsed)
Julia Brownley, Democrat *
District 27
Mike Garcia, Republican **** (Endorsed)
George Whitesides, Democrat *
District 28
April Verlato, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Judy Chu, Democrat *
District 29
Benito Bernal, Republican **** (Endorsed)
Luz Maria Rivas, Democrat *
District 30,
Alex Balekian, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Laura Friedman, Democrat *
District 31,
Gil Cisneros, Democrat *
Daniel Martinez, Republican *** (Endorsed)
District 32,
Brad Sherman, Democrat *
Larry Thompson, Republican *** (Endorsed)
District 34,
Jimmy Gomez, Democrat *
David Kim, Democrat *
District 35
Norma Torres, Democrat *
Mike Cargile, Republican ***** (Endorsed)
District 36,
Ted Lieu, Democrat * Melissa Toomim *** (Endorsed)
District 37,
Sydney Kamlager-Dove, Democrat *
Juan Rey, (No Party Preference) **
District 38,
Linda Sanchez, Democrat *
Eric Ching, Republican ***** (Endorsed)
District 42,
Robert Garcia, Democrat *
John Briscoe, Republican ****(Endorsed)
District 43,
Maxine Waters, Democrat *
Steve Williams, Republican ****(Endorsed)
District 44,
Nanette Diaz Barragan, Democrat *
Roger Groh, Republican *** (Endorsed)
District 45
Michelle Steel, Republican ***** (Endorsed)
Derek Tran, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, US Senate
Steve Garvey, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Adam Schiff, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, US Senate (Short-Term),
Steve Garvey, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Senate, District 23
Suzette Martinez Valladares, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Kipp Mueller, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, State Senate, District 25
Sasha Renee Perez, Democrat *
Elizabeth Wong Ahlers, Republican **** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Senate, District 27
Henry Stern, Democrat*
Lucie Volotzky, Republican ***** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Senate, District 33
Lena A. Gonzalez, Democrat *
Mario Paz, Republican ***** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Senate, District 35
Michelle Chambers, Democrat *
Laura Richardson, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, State Assembly,
District 23
Marc Berman, Democrat *
Lydia Kou, Democrat **
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 34
Tom Lacky, Republican **** (Endorsed)
Ricardo Ortega, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 39
Juan Carrillo Ventura, Democrat*
Paul Andre Marsh, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 40,
Patrick Lee Gipson, Republican **** (Endorsed)
Pilar Schiavo, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 41
John Harabedian, Democrat *
Michelle Del Rosario Martinez, Republican ***** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 42
Ted Nordblum, Republican **** (Endorsed)
Jacqui Irwin, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 43
Victoria Garcia, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Celeste Rodriguez, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 44
Tony Rodriguez, Republican **** (Endorsed)
Nick Schultz, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 46
Jesse Gabriel, Democrat*
Tracey Schroeder, Republican **** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 48
Blanca Rubio, Democrat *
Dan T. Tran, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 49
Mike Fong, Democrat*
Long “David” Liu, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 51
Stephan Hohil, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Rick Chavez Zbur, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 52
Jessica Caloza, Democrat *
Franky Carrillo, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 53
Michelle Rodriguez, Democrat*
Nick Wilson, Republican ***(Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 54,
Mark Gonzalez, Democrat *
John K. Yi, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 55
Isaac Bryan, Democrat*
Keith G. Cascio, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 56
Lisa Calderon, Democrat *
Jessica Martinez, Republican ***** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 57
Sade Elhawary, Democrat*
Efren Martinez, Democrat **
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 61
Alfonso Hernandez, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Tina Simone McKinnor, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 62
Paul Jones, Republican **** (Endorsed)
Jose Luis Solache, Democrat **
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 64,
Raul Ortiz, Republican ***** (Endorsed)
Blanca Pacheco, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 65,
Mike Gipson, Democrat*
Lydia A. Gutierrez, Republican **** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 66
George Barks, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Al Muratsuchi, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 67
Sharon Quirk-Silva, Democrat *
Elizabeth “Beth” Culver, **** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 69,
Joshua Rodriguez, Republican *** (Endorsed)
Josh Lowenthal, Democrat *
Los Angeles County, District Attorney
George Gascon*
Nathan Hochman **** (Endorsed)
Los Angeles County, LAUSD School Board
District 1,
Kahllid A. Al-Alim *
Sherlett Hendy Newbill **
District 3,
Dan Chang **
Scott Mark Schmerlson *** (Endorsed)
Glendale Unified School District, Area A
Jordan Henry **** (Endorsed)
Shant Kevorkian **
Telly Tse *
Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District
Alexandria Blumer ***** (Endorsed)
Jeremy Vanderhal ***** (Endorsed)
California, Los Angeles County, Whittier Mayor
Joe Vinatieri **** (Endorsed)
California, Los Angeles County, Whittier City Council, District 3
Cathy Warner **** (Endorsed)
California, Los Angeles County, Whittier City Council, District 1
Jessica Martinez ***** (Endorsed)
Palos Verdes Estates City Council
Desiree Myers ***** (Endorsed)
Proposition 34 에 대한 질문들이 제일 많아서, 따로 설명을 아래와
같이 자세히 조사한것들을 알려드립니다. 선택은 여러분이 하세요.
Prop. 34 에 왜 반대해야할까요? Prop. 33 와의 관계! 왜곡된 발의안의 Title & Summary
대통령 후보자 정책/가치관 비교표:
References: 참고 자료들: 모두 검증되고 경력이 긴 동역 단체들입니다.
Ivoter Federal:
Family Voter Info.:
Restoring the CA , Los Angeles:
Black Families Against Racism(BFAR) Voter Guide:
Christian Citizenship Council: