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TVNEXT 한인 크리스천 투표 가이드라인 - Los Angeles County, CA

By 김태오목사 / 새라킴사모 - 다음세대 가치관 정립 & 보호단체 공동대표 10.5.2024

캘리포니아 로스앤젤레스 카운티 주 발의안들 및 후보자

Los Angeles County, CA  - Statewide Propositions Recommendations




Proposition 2

Wasteful and bloated bond giveaway to failing schools

Vote No

Proposition 3

Marriage constitutional amendment opening the door to discrimination 

Vote No (캘리 헌법에, 전통결혼을 지지한 유

일하게 남아있는Prop8을 뒤집는것임)

Proposition 4

Another massive bond for special interests climate programs

Vote No   

Proposition 5

Weakening of local control and Proposition 13 tax protection

Vote No

Proposition 6

Repeals constitutional provision allowing involuntary servitude for prisoners.

Vote No    

Proposition 32

Raises minimum wage eliminating jobs, speeding up automation, and raising prices on things you buy

Vote No

Proposition 33

Expands local governments’ authority to enact rent control on residential property

Vote No

Proposition 34

Forces AIDS Healthcare Foundation to spend tax money on real needs

Vote No   

Proposition 35

Locks in all the failure and wasteful medical spending

Vote No

Proposition 36

Allows felony charges and increases sentences for certain drug and theft crimes to reduce crime 

Vote Yes  (천불미만을 훔쳐도 풀려나는 

catch & release의 Prop.47 을 수정하게함)

** Prop 34 은 Yes 와 No 로 갈려서 더 깊이 살펴본결과 저희단체는 NO 를 추천합니다. 우선, Title & Summary 가 misleading 하며, Prop 33 와 연결된것이니 확실치 않은분들은 꼭 아래링크에서 자세한 내용 읽으세요.

아래는 후보자 (candidates)들이 

1. 기독교 단체들의 설문조사들에 응한 내용과 

2. 후보자들의 지난 정책 전력(track of records on candidate's past policy)을 기반으로 만들어진 scorecard를 별(*)표로 표시함.


별표(*)  숫자의 의미:   

별 5개(*****):   성경적 가치관(biblical values)에 가장 가까운 정책의 후보자, 

별 1개(*): 반기독교적 정책(anti-biblical values)을 가장 지지하는 후보자  



  1. 별이 많을수록 “성경적 원리원칙” 을 지지하거나,  이미 그런 정책들을 

    펼쳤었던 과거 전력을 가진 후보자들임.

  1. 별이 적을수록 “반기독교적 정책들을 펼친 과거 전력이 있거나,  지지하는 후보자들임. 

    (예: LGBTQAI++, 트랜스젠더,  포르노수준의 성교육, 혼돈스런 젠더,  살인적인 낙태,  막시즘 사회공산주의 지지, 신앙의 자유나 시민들 자유언론 제한 및 억압등등)


  1. 아래에,  (endorsed) 라고 빨간색으로 하이라이트된 후보자들이 기독교단체들의 여러 설문조사들에 응하고 다른 후보자에 비해 성경적 가치관에 더 가까운 정책 전력들을 이미 가지고 있는것이 검증된 후보자들이라는 의미입니다.  

    Endorsed 가 적혀있지 않으면, 그 후보자는 말로만 기독교인이거나,  또는 기독교 

    가치관을 정책으로 실천한 적이 없거나 반기독교적으로 펼친 전력이어서 별표로만 표시해놓았습니다.    

*****    The best candidate. Our strongest endorsement  최고

****    Very good  매우 좋음

***      Acceptable  오케.

**        Vote only to prevent worse candidate(s) from winning  

더 악한 후보자를 막기위한 선택

*         Terrible. Do Not Vote for these candidates.  뽑지 말아야 할 최악의 후보자임.

그래서 간혹 No Recommendation 이라고 적은것들도 있음.

따로 Copy & Paste 를 하지 마시고 저희링크를 공유하시기 바랍니다. 다른 주요내용들이 더 포스트된후에 연결이 되기에, 같이 볼수있도록 하기 위합입니다.


President & Vice President, General Election, November 5

Donald Trump, JD Vance- Republican **** (Endorsed)

Kamala Harris, Democrat*

Chase Oliver, Libertarian***

Robert F. Kennedy, Independent ***

Jill Stein, Independent *

Cornel West, Independent*

Los Angeles County,Judge of the Superior Court

Office No. 39,

Steve Napolitano *** (Endorsed)

George A. Turner Jr. *

Office No. 48,

Renee Rose **

Ericka J. Wiley *


Office No. 97

La Shae Henderson *

Sharon Ransom *

Office No. 135,

Georgia Huerta **

Steven Yee Mac *


Office No. 137,

Tracey M. Blount **

Luz E. Herrera *

Diana Ruth James **** (Endorsed)


Los Angeles County, US House of Representatives

District 23

Jay Obernolte, Republican **** (Endorsed)

Derek Marshall, Democrat *


District 26

Michael Koslow, Republican **** (Endorsed)

Julia Brownley, Democrat *

District 27

Mike Garcia, Republican **** (Endorsed)

George Whitesides, Democrat *


District 28

April Verlato, Republican *** (Endorsed)

Judy Chu, Democrat *


District 29

Benito Bernal, Republican **** (Endorsed)

Luz Maria Rivas, Democrat *


District 30,

Alex Balekian, Republican *** (Endorsed)

Laura Friedman, Democrat *


District 31,

Gil Cisneros, Democrat *

Daniel Martinez, Republican *** (Endorsed)

District 32,

Brad Sherman, Democrat *

Larry Thompson, Republican *** (Endorsed)


District 34,

Jimmy Gomez, Democrat *

David Kim, Democrat *


District 35

Norma Torres, Democrat *

Mike Cargile, Republican ***** (Endorsed)


District 36,

Ted Lieu, Democrat * Melissa Toomim *** (Endorsed)


District 37,

Sydney Kamlager-Dove, Democrat *

Juan Rey, (No Party Preference) **

District 38,

Linda Sanchez, Democrat *

Eric Ching, Republican ***** (Endorsed)


District 42,

Robert Garcia, Democrat *

John Briscoe, Republican ****(Endorsed)


District 43,

Maxine Waters, Democrat *

Steve Williams, Republican ****(Endorsed)


District 44,

Nanette Diaz Barragan, Democrat *

Roger Groh, Republican *** (Endorsed)


District 45

Michelle Steel, Republican ***** (Endorsed)

Derek Tran, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, US Senate

Steve Garvey, Republican *** (Endorsed)

Adam Schiff, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, US Senate (Short-Term),

Steve Garvey, Republican *** (Endorsed)

Los Angeles County, State Senate, District 23

Suzette Martinez Valladares, Republican *** (Endorsed)

Kipp Mueller, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, State Senate, District 25

Sasha Renee Perez, Democrat *

Elizabeth Wong Ahlers, Republican **** (Endorsed)


Los Angeles County, State Senate, District 27

Henry Stern, Democrat*

Lucie Volotzky, Republican ***** (Endorsed)


Los Angeles County, State Senate, District 33

Lena A. Gonzalez, Democrat *

Mario Paz, Republican ***** (Endorsed)


Los Angeles County, State Senate, District 35

Michelle Chambers, Democrat *

Laura Richardson, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, State Assembly,

District 23

Marc Berman, Democrat *

Lydia Kou, Democrat **


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 34

Tom Lacky, Republican **** (Endorsed)

Ricardo Ortega, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 39

Juan Carrillo Ventura, Democrat*

Paul Andre Marsh, Republican *** (Endorsed)


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 40,

Patrick Lee Gipson, Republican **** (Endorsed)

Pilar Schiavo, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 41

John Harabedian, Democrat *

Michelle Del Rosario Martinez, Republican ***** (Endorsed)


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 42

Ted Nordblum, Republican **** (Endorsed)

Jacqui Irwin, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 43

Victoria Garcia, Republican *** (Endorsed)

Celeste Rodriguez, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 44

Tony Rodriguez, Republican **** (Endorsed)

Nick Schultz, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 46

Jesse Gabriel, Democrat*

Tracey Schroeder, Republican **** (Endorsed)


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 48

Blanca Rubio, Democrat *

Dan T. Tran, Republican *** (Endorsed)


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 49

Mike Fong, Democrat*

Long “David” Liu, Republican *** (Endorsed)


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 51

Stephan Hohil, Republican *** (Endorsed)

Rick Chavez Zbur, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 52

Jessica Caloza, Democrat *

Franky Carrillo, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 53

Michelle Rodriguez, Democrat*

Nick Wilson, Republican ***(Endorsed)

Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 54,

Mark Gonzalez, Democrat *

John K. Yi, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 55

Isaac Bryan, Democrat*

Keith G. Cascio, Republican *** (Endorsed)

Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 56

Lisa Calderon, Democrat *

Jessica Martinez, Republican ***** (Endorsed)


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 57

Sade Elhawary, Democrat*

Efren Martinez, Democrat **


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 61

Alfonso Hernandez, Republican *** (Endorsed)

Tina Simone McKinnor, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 62

Paul Jones, Republican **** (Endorsed)

Jose Luis Solache, Democrat **


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 64,

Raul Ortiz, Republican ***** (Endorsed)

Blanca Pacheco, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 65,

Mike Gipson, Democrat*

Lydia A. Gutierrez, Republican **** (Endorsed)


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 66

George Barks, Republican *** (Endorsed)

Al Muratsuchi, Democrat *

Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 67

Sharon Quirk-Silva, Democrat *

Elizabeth “Beth” Culver, **** (Endorsed)


Los Angeles County, State Assembly, District 69,

Joshua Rodriguez, Republican *** (Endorsed)

Josh Lowenthal, Democrat *


Los Angeles County, District Attorney

George Gascon*

Nathan Hochman **** (Endorsed)


Los Angeles County, LAUSD School Board

District 1,

Kahllid A. Al-Alim *

Sherlett Hendy Newbill **


District 3,

Dan Chang **

Scott Mark Schmerlson *** (Endorsed)


Glendale Unified School District, Area A

Jordan Henry **** (Endorsed)

Shant Kevorkian **

Telly Tse *


Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District

Alexandria Blumer ***** (Endorsed)

Jeremy Vanderhal ***** (Endorsed)

California, Los Angeles County, Whittier Mayor

Joe Vinatieri **** (Endorsed)


California, Los Angeles County, Whittier City Council, District 3

Cathy Warner **** (Endorsed)


California, Los Angeles County, Whittier City Council, District 1

Jessica Martinez ***** (Endorsed)


Palos Verdes Estates City Council

Desiree Myers ***** (Endorsed)


Proposition 34 에 대한 질문들이 제일 많아서, 따로 설명을 아래와

같이 자세히 조사한것들을 알려드립니다. 선택은 여러분이 하세요.

Prop. 34 에 왜 반대해야할까요? Prop. 33 와의 관계! 왜곡된 발의안의 Title & Summary

대통령 후보자 정책/가치관 비교표:

References: 참고 자료들: 모두 검증되고 경력이 긴 동역 단체들입니다.

Black Families Against Racism(BFAR) Voter Guide:


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