성경적 세계관 어린이 리더쉽 캠프 2018!
Explore Science 5 Day Summer Camp
장소: Creation Museum 주소: 2800 Bullittsburg Church Rd. Petersburg, KY 41080
Daily Camp Schedule: 학생들 스케줄
매일 오전 9:00am – 3:30pm까지 (목요일만 제외)
(Exception: Explore Astronomy: 목요일 천문학 시작시간만 오후 3:00pm – 11:00pm 마침 & 그다음날 아침 점심 제공되고 전체 오후 3:30에 마침 )
9:00am -9:30am: check in
9:3am-10:30am: Workshop 1
10:30am-10:45am: Break (Restroom, Rotation)
11:00am-12:00pm: Workshop 2
12:00pm – 1:00pm: Lunch break
1:00pm -2:00pm: Workshop 3
2:00pm – 2:15pm: Break (Restroom, Rotation)
2:15pm – 3:15pm: Workshop 4
3:15pm – 3:30pm: Wrap-up/ Check out
Explore Science: July 23-27 주제 및 내용
Monday: Forensics (과학수사) WS1: Documenting a crime scene WS2: Fingerprint basics WS3: Solve the crime: introduction of case file, visit to crime scene, suspect interviews WS4: Investigation of crime evidence, shoeprint and fingerprint comparison
Tuesday: Botany (식물학) WS1: Flower anatomy and dissection WS2: Plant fingerprint WS3: Garden tour WS4: Carnivorous plants
Wednesday: Human Anatomy (사람 해부학) WS1: Integumentary system WS2: Skeletal system WS3: Muscular system WS4: Nervous system focus on the human eye (cow eye dissection)
Thursday: Astronomy (weather permitting) (천문학 –Museum 에서 잠자기: Night at the Museum!) WS1: Sun-spotting WS2: Planet scale model WS3: Planetarium WS4: Observatory **Extreme archery, scavenger hunt, sleepover in museum
Friday: Zoology (동물학) WS1: Taxonomy/Animal Kinds WS2: Owl pellet dissection WS3: Animal enrichment activity WS4: Tour of petting zoo
7/22 (일) 밤까지 각자 숙소에 도착 / 카톡연락망으로 status check up
7/23 (월) Creation Museum 에 아침 8:45분 까지 도착하기
4:00-5:30 숙소도착, Free Time
6:00-7:00 저녁식사
7:30-9:00 Small Group Mtg (SGM) – Daily Review, Presentation & Prayer
9:00-9:20 Wash & Ready for Bed
9:30-10:00 In Bed- Bible Reading & Writing on Daily Reflection / 1 Movie Night
10:15 Bed Time Prayer / Lights OUT!!!
아침스케줄 : 아침에 꼭 QT 하기 (학부모 또는 선생님과)
6:00 기상 & Clean up
7:20 QT & Prayer
8:00 Breakfast
8:30 To Creation Museum (첫날에만 8:45분까지 Creation Museum에 도착)
** 하룻밤은 Special family movie & discussion night 을 갖겠습니다.
** 교사/학부모 모임: DAILY 있음
캠프등록비에 포함된것들:
20 hands-on science workshops
Explore T-shirt
Explore lanyard and participation lapel pins
Educational materials
Thursday museum sleepover with archery tag, boxed dinner (Thursday night), hot breakfast (Friday morning), boxed lunch (Friday afternoon) – “Night at the Museum 경험.” 보호자도 join 하려면 $50/person 내면됨.
Archery tag
Dinner and snack on Thursday
Breakfast and lunch on Friday
5-day parking pass
캠프 준비물:
Bible, Paper notebook, pencil/pen, sleeping bag (for Thursday night sleepover).
Explore 5 Day 어린이 여름 캠프 홈페이지: