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Know the Truth and the Truth will Set You Free!

Equip Yourself with Biblical Worldview!

Protect Your Kid’s Mind.  Join Us and Take Action!  It only takes less than a minute.

(Summarized by Christine Park)

American Girl states the company is “a trusted partner for parents who want to raise strong, confident girls” and “help form who girls become.” However, American Girl released its first doll and an accompanying book with an LGBTQ agenda while the company did not even include a warning for the parents! This storyline dangerously affects the well-being of our children. Take action against this irresponsibility: 

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TVNEXT 창조과학 어린이/청소년 리더쉽 캠프 2023! Explore Science Summer Camp & Noah’s Ark Experience!

할렐루야! 2023년 “Tvnext 창조과학 캠프” 가 올해는 오래 기다리던 분들을 위해 서둘러 등록을 받고 마감한 후 기도로 준비하고자 합니다. 새롭게 Early Registration discount 를 마련했습니다. 등록하신 후 서둘러 비행기표를 구매하셔야 경비를 절약하실 수 있습니다. 자세한 스케줄과 프로그램 내용들은 아래에서 등록 링크(R

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